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Best Air Purifier for Asthma 2024 - How To Choose Best?
Air Purifier for Asthma

Due to the growing pollution, the asthma-patient ratio is also increasing. Hence for this problem, people are looking for the Best Air Purifiers for Asthma that they can use to keep their environment pollutant free. So, Keeping this air purifier for asthma requirements in mind we conduct a list of the best filters and purifiers to use.

Why Should You Look For An Air Purifier For Asthma?

According to the research of great doctors, the problem of Asthma is common among 30% of adults and 40% of youngsters. If you are one of them, then you should consider keeping the air around you clean to breathe. This reduces the risk of converting common allergies to asthma. It has also been found by a study that indoor air is 3-5 times dirtier than outside air. 

We come across different types of dust variants that attack an asthmatic person causing air blockage. 

But with the help of various research, we find that by using air purifiers for asthma people help them to breathe easily.

Today, you can invest in purchasing an air purifier and intake proper fresh air instead of intoxicants. 

Tips for Selecting The Best Air Purifier for Asthma 2022

Here are some of the tips you should always consider while picking up an Air Purifier for Asthma- 

  • CADR Rating

The CADR stands for Clean Air Delivery Rate which lets you know how fast the air purifier can clean the air by getting rid of dirt pollutants when operating at full speed. So, if the CADR rating of an air purifier is higher, then definitely it will be more efficient. 

  • Coverage Area

The size of the space of an air purifier is considered one of the most significant elements when choosing an air purifier. You can always check it under the product specification section and look for the “Area Coverage” or “Coverage Area field”. As recommended by doctors, a good air purifier can reduce particles in the air by around 25-50%. 

  • Filter Type and Technology

There are many filter types equipped with the latest technology in the market such as – Pre-filters, True HEPA, Filters with Activated Carbon, UV Filters, and PCO Filters, etc. One should always consider buying air purifiers consisting of one of these filters. 

  • Customer Service and Warranty

The after-sale service of the product also matters a lot as the maintenance of the air purifier is very crucial. These all are to be done by the customer service centers. Also, with quality customer service provided, you can easily get your air purifier checked and consulted by them. 

What Type Of Air Purifier Is Best For Asthma?

When you search for an air purifier then you will find multiple types of purifiers with various types of filters. So, how can you find which filter is best for you? So here you will get to know about the filters that you can purchase for asthma air purifiers. The below-mentioned Air Purifier for asthma is one of the best in the market having good qualities. 

  1. HEPA Purifiers

They were first developed in the 1940s and were used as an air purifiers to protect the workers which used to enrich the uranium for the use of the world’s first atomic bomb. Slowly and gradually, this technology has started getting popular and the most effective type of household air. This works by intaking all the dirty air inside with the help of the fan’s air. It is best used for small or big allergies as well. 

  1. Absorbent Air Purifiers

Absorbent air purifiers come with Activated Charcoal in them combined with carbon. As we all know, charcoal is known best for its attractive pollutant property. Now it works by bonding each other to the carbon molecules, which results in leaving your home free from pollutants.

  1. UV Air Purifiers

Knowing the fact that Ultraviolet rays can damage the DNA in your skin cells causing an increased chance of skin cancer, we all want to protect ourselves from UV rays. This is why UV air purifiers have been invented. They have the power to kill airborne microbes. Just like HEPA Purifiers, UV air purifiers also function well with the use of a fan for the removal of dust pollutants. It has a process named Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation, which helps in killing all the bacteria, and other viruses which are in the air when they get exposed to a UV Lamp. 

  1. Electrostatic Air Purifiers

Electric purifiers have the best impact on air pollutants. They start to function when the air passes through them, any bacteria or virus in the air will produce a negative electric charge. By this action, these particles are pulled toward positively-charged plates presenting pure air to you. 

Top 5 Air Purifiers For Asthma 2023

The purchase of an air purifier is the best step toward your long and healthy life. Choosing the best air purifier for asthma emerges as a protector from all toxins in the air that you inhale causing your great suffering. It will not only remove different kinds of pollutants but will also help with overcoming common respiratory problems.

Blueair HealthProtect 7770i

The Blueair HealthProtect 7770i 674 Sq Ft purifier is a revolutionary air purifier that offers protection for the entire home. It produces clean, fresh, and healthy air in less time than other comparable models thanks to its silent operation, three-speed settings, and lifetime filter. A smart sensor detects when your purifier should be on, so you can relax knowing your home is always protected from particles like smoke, pollen, and pet hair.

Blue Pure 411 Auto

Blue Pure 411 Auto is a 3-in-1 air purifier that’s perfect for pet lovers, parents, and those with allergies. With it, you can have clean air that’s free from allergens like pet dander and dust mites. The Blue Pure 411 Auto is the perfect air purifier for those who are looking for a device that will fit in with their décor. The pre-filter skirt is easily customizable and can be swapped out for one that best suits the needs of your space.

Levoit Core 300S

The Levoit Core 300S is a smart, quiet, and efficient air purifier that cleans your air while you work or rest. It’s perfect for homes with infants and pets, as well as offices, where the device can be automatically scheduled to maintain a clean environment.

Blue Pure 311 Auto

If you are looking for an air purifier that is affordable, effective, and easy to use, the Blue Pure 311 Auto is a great choice. With a long-lasting filter and a three-in-one filtration system, this device removes allergens like pet hair, pollen, dust mites, and smoke from the air in your home. You won’t find another product that can do all of this at such a great price!

The above mentioned are the best air purifiers for asthma patients. It is easy to use with multiple easy-to-handle features. 

Conclusion – Best Air Purifier For Asthma

With the help of the above mentioned information, we helped lots of buyers who are eager to purchase air purifiers for asthma. The conducted list contains the 4 best purifiers at a budget cost. So you can buy the best one according to your budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Air Purifiers Help Asthma?

Yes, Air purifiers help if you are suffering from asthma. It reduces the pollutant and dust from the surrounding and provides you with a better healthy environment.

Can I use Air Purifier All Day?

Yes, You can leave the air purifier all day on for a healthy environment.